So Norman and your man Domehead went to PAX East, which was AWESOME! I played a really cool Street Fighter board game and a cool story/painting version of Apples-to-Apples, as well as a bunch of dope video games including Diner Dash (the new one), Red Dead Redemption (might actually be the best video game ever created) and some 3D fps's.
-Fuck guitar hero! it doesn't make you a musician... but this might...
These fucking awesome dudes made this mod for a REAL guitar to play a guitarhero-like game that uses real notation and actually teaches you to play along with songs. They were selling the kit for like 35 bucks but also were encouraging people to just check out the plans for the mod online and build it yourself!
here's the link
Also, this table-top street fighter inspired dice game, SUPER GACHAPON FIGHTERS OMEGA INFINITY is really good! The guy who made it was way cool and it was a blast to play.
Norman and I OBV took a bunch of pics with dressed-up people... though they thought I was dressed up also. This one dude asked me if I was dressed as Nico from GTA IV.
PAX East was a BLAST! although I was quite dazed from staying up until 8 the night/morning before at some weird party where i made the horrible faux pas of saying "awww....who's dog?" in a dimly lit room... it turns out it was not a dog but a girl... like a human girl. WOOPS! I will definitely be going to the next PAX East!